How To Make Money Selling Holiday Cards In The Festive Season

You can create your own online shop on Etsy to sell your unique holiday card designs. 

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Selling on Etsy

Use services where your card designs get printed only when someone orders them. This means you don't have to keep a stock of cards.

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Print-on-Demand Services

Make cards by hand. People often love handmade stuff and are willing to pay more for it. 

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Handmade Cards

Approach local stores or boutiques and sell your holiday cards to them in bulk. 

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Sell to Stores

Create digital versions of your cards that people can buy online and send electronically. 

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Digital Cards

Offer a service where customers can subscribe to receive a set number of cards every month or season. 

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Subscription Services

Make cards using recycled materials or ones that can be planted (seed-embedded cards). 

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Environmentally-Friendly Cards

Create cards that pop-up or have 3D effects. They catch people's attention. 

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Special Cards

Make personalized cards for businesses to give to their employees or clients in bulk. 

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Corporate Cards

Sell kits containing materials and instructions for people to make their own holiday cards. 

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DIY Kits

Design cards that allow customers to add their own photos or messages. 

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Personalized Photo Cards

Collaborate with artists to make unique holiday card collections. 

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Artistic Partnerships

Make cards in different languages or with designs that represent various cultures. 

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Multilingual and Cultural Cards

Cards that use technology to create an interactive experience. 

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Augmented Reality (AR) Cards

Donate a part of your sales to charity. It can attract customers who like supporting causes. 

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Charity Cards

To succeed, focus on quality, find your target customers, and be creative with your designs. Understanding what your customers like will help you sell more cards.

Credit: Google

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